Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sweet Life

I had to put up a sweet picture of Lola to go with my title....
She used to sit in the sink while I got ready all the time, but lately she just wanders around the counter top meowing and trying to get me to pet her, or sits right outside the bathroom door and messes with Izzie. So when she sat in the sink last night, it made me all nostalgic and I had to take a pic.

So I'm done with medical school, FINALLY! Its been a long 4 years, but worth every penny, and late night, and tear, and fight with Andrew, and....well you get it, it was hard.

Now, to celebrate being done, I've spent the last two days doing a lot of my favorite things. I've slept in, cuddled with my girls, gone to eat lunch with Andrew at our favorite sushi restaurant in Clear Lake, Tokyo Bowl, taken the girls for a long nature walk at a new park they've never been to before, gone to eat Mexican food with some of my favorite friends, and gone to get a lovely massage. Now I just need to find a place to lounge around by a pool to get a nice tan before I go on my cruise...

Pretty Sweet :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dirt in yo face

Tonight was the playoffs for the coed softball league that Andrew and I played on this season. I have been playing coed softball every season of medical school, and fully intend on continuing to play when we get to Dallas. We'll probably need lots of people on our team, so you folks should start hitting the batting cages to get ready. Anyways, tonight was the playoffs and I was not excited about it. This was the first season we played with this team, and while we were actually really good, I didn't know anybody except Andrew, Keith, and a guy named Steve, so it wasn't as much fun as when we played with my med school friends. I also wasn't excited because I got some kind of stomach bug last night/this morning and really just wanted to sleep all day and night. But, I went to the game, and we won our first two games to put us in the championship. For a tired girl with a tummy ache, two games is a lot, and going into the third one I was exhausted. We couldn't get a hit against this team, and Andrew (who is our pitcher) couldn't throw a strike to save his life. Actually the umpire just wouldn't call a strike at all, so Andrew started arguing with him and then got a lecture about how he better start respecting the umpire or he would be kicked out. Of course I get mad at Andrew and tell him to shut up or else... and we continue to get the crap kicked out of us. I hate to lose, I hate to lose, I hate to lose. But I never argue or complain.... until today. In the last inning, I made the most AMAZING play at first base where I stopped a ball hit to the right of me and dive into first base to get the guy out. He was OUT. But of course the idiotic umpire said that I touched the bag with the wrong hand. I touched the bag with BOTH hands. I lost it. All I could say was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" at the top of my lungs, over and over. Everybody knew the guy was out, even on the other team, but the umpire wouldn't back down. We ended up losing, and I ended up with two scraped knees and a face full of dirt for no reason.

On a happier note, I only have two shifts left of medical school....BOOYAH!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stupidity at its finest

As I reach the end of my month in the emergency room, and really my career as a medical student, I would like to reflect on some of the most interesting patients I've seen this month.

1. A 7 year old boy with a tooth stuck in his ear. Was he hiding it from the tooth fairy?
2. A 19 year old girl who injected protein shake into her butt cheeks. I guess she thought thats how J-lo got the junk in her trunk.
3. A grown man with a perfume bottle stuck in his rectum (butt). He told us he fell on it... why was he walking around without pants/underwear, and why didn't he break it when he landed on it?
4. A 19 year old girl with a foreign object stuck in her "privates." All we could see is a little plastic sticking out, and we couldn't pull it out. The xray showed a metal coil inside the plastic, inside her body. She says she didn't know what it was or how she got there... She had to have surgery to get it out, and it ended up being a spray bottle cap. Why???
5. A 21 year old girl with Type 1 diabetes who ran out of insulin, so she came to the emergency room and was being treated, but decided she was tired of being in the hospital, so she left... IV still stuck in her arm, no prescription for new insulin...wonder how long she lasted before she went back to an ER?

I know there are more, but those are the only ones I can think of for now. I wonder what kind of exciting geniuses I will be treating in Dallas??

Monday, April 19, 2010

MMmmm, CAKE!

Today I made a DELICIOUS cake. I found it on, but I will go ahead and tell you how to make it.

Here are the girls ready to bake!

Here are the ingredients:
Creamy Peanut Butter
1 cup of butter or margarine
4 eggs
Yellow Cake Mix (I used the butter kind, but I think you can probably do any kind you want)
2/3 cup of water
Confectioner's sugar
Heavy cream (or milk, I used the cream)
1 tsp Vanilla (optional)
Hot fudge (optional)
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (optional)

The Cake:
Preheat the oven to 325 and "grease and flour" two 9 inch cake pans (for this I sprayed some Pam and sprinkled some flour in the pans).
Mix a half cup of butter or margarine with a half cup of peanut butter. I used the electric whisk-er, but I don't think you have to. Then add the 4 eggs one by one, mixing in between. Next alternate the cake mix with the 2/3 cup of water until just mixed (no whisking here). Put the batter in the cake pans and bake for 25 minutes. This is one of the pieces cooling:
The Frosting:

Mix another half cup of butter with a full cup of peanut butter. Whisking is ideal here to make it creamy. Then add confectioners sugar. The recipe called for 4 cups, but that seemed like a lot, so I only ended up with 3 cups. Here I also added some vanilla extract as recommended by one of the critiques on the website. Then pour in 1/3 cup heavy cream and whisk till creamy and fluffy. If it still seems thick, add more cream until it looks fluffy and spreadable.

Make it pretty:


After the cakes cool, stack them and cover with the icing. I got some microwavable hot fudge from the ice cream toppings section of the grocery store and heated as directed, then drizzled it around the cake. I was hoping it would look more drizzly than clumpy, but its fine. Then I got mini Reese's peanut butter cups and smooshed them into the icing....and VOILA!

Hope you make it, and hope you like it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

BBQ Adventure

Today Andrew and I went to see "Date Night" at a hole-in-the-wall theater in Pearland. Some friends told us about it the other day, and said that you can see a movie at night for only $4.50. Since I am working tonight and tomorrow night at the ER, we decided to go on a daytime date and see if the matinee was cheaper. It was indeed, only $2.50 per person, and the movie was really funny.

Afterwards, we decided to go ahead and get dinner in the area. Andrew was feeling adventurous, and decided we would be dining here:
Here is Andrew enjoying his BBQ. You can see a little bit of the "ambiance" in the background.
This one is a little blurry, but I still think you can tell how classy it was...
And last but not least, the view from our way out the back...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lazy Days

I don't have to work today, and I'm just sitting here watching HGTV, surfing the web, and snuggling with all my lazy girls. The past few months I've had a lot of lazy days like this. I've had easy classes and rotations that don't require my presence at school or at a hospital most of the time, and I've really gotten used to just sitting around and doing nothing. This month I started my last rotation of medical school: the pediatric emergency room. I've worked more this month than any of the past 4 months combined. Its made me remember what my life is going to be like when July gets here and I am a REAL doctor. I am excited, but I am going to miss my lazy days with just me and the girls. Unfortunately, today won't stay lazy for long. Since I've been working so much the house is filthy and I have no clean clothes left, so I have to get to work. Maybe I can really rest tomorrow...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Proud Momma

As you know, we enrolled Izzie in puppy training classes a few weeks ago. So far we've mostly learned how to sit, to walk on a leash without pulling, and to "watch me". Most of these tricks she'll do when we have a treat in hand, but if we don't, she chooses whether or not she wants to listen. Its frustrating...she is such a stubborn mule. I would understand if she just couldn't learn the things we were teaching her, but for her to know exactly what I want and ignore me...bah!

This last week I couldn't go to her class because I was working nights in the pediatric emergency room. Soo, Andrew had to take her alone. When I finally woke up Friday, I asked Andrew for a full report and show-and-tell of the new tricks we learned in class. To my surprise, Izzie learned to lay down, and to leave a treat until you tell her she can take it! Never in a million years did I expect her to be able to learn these kinds of tricks! Not only that, she has started to do more of them without needing a treat. Don't get me wrong, she still ignores me about 25% of the time, but thats better than the 100% of the time that she ignored me before starting school. I am looking forward to increasing tricks, and decreasing the stubbornness....

Here is my baby on the way to class the week of Easter: