Friday, May 14, 2010


That's right folks, Izzie graduated from Puppy class last night. I am such a proud momma! She did all her tricks on command and was mostly on her best behavior. Shortly after this picture though, she threw up all over my lap. Gross. I'm not sure why she threw up or if she ate something she shouldn't have earlier in the day, no idea. All I know is that later that night while watching tv, Sadie puked too. My poor sick girls! Luckily they aren't acting sick today, in fact they've been playing non-stop with their new Kong Wubba toy. It looks like this: They love it. Its (hopefully) an indestructible little rubber ball thing inside some (hopefully) indestructible fabric. Izzie likes tug of war toys best, but these girls shred EVERYTHING, and Izzie always eats the little strings that she tears off all toys and it gets stuck in her...well, anyways. So far the toy is still completely intact, and hopefully it will stay that way.


  1. Too bad she threw up in your lap because those jeans are cute!

  2. HAHA, they can be washed Sara!

  3. Im so proud of the pug!!! But, the next graduate is YOU!!!
